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How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Attic

Sep 9

Getting rid of squirrels in your attic should be a priority for anyone, but if you can't afford the service of a professional, you can try trapping and removing the squirrels yourself. Keep in mind that squirrels are known to live in colonies and each one can contain up to twenty of these critters. You'll need to get rid of all of them to ensure that your attic is free of squirrels. Once you get all the squirrels out of your attic, remember to contact the roofing professionals at Intermountain Roofing Company, to make sure that they won't come back.

Sealing off windows and vents

Squirrels can be cute while chewing on acorns or tearing up insulation, but their presence can lead to a lot of damage. Not only do they gnaw through insulation, they also leave feces and urine behind, which can lead to expensive repairs. Additionally, they carry diseases, so you must prevent them from spreading these diseases.

One of the best ways to get rid of squirrels in your attics is to seal off the openings where they enter and exit. This means sealing off any gaps around vents and windows. Additionally, homeowners should keep trees trimmed back to a point where they don't create a sheltered entry. Trash attracts many different animals, including squirrels, so it's crucial to keep your garbage bins and other trash out of reach.

Another way to get rid of squirrels in your attics is to eliminate their nests. Squirrels tend to breed in early Winter and produce offspring by late Spring. If nearby trees or brush are cut down, the squirrels will move into your attic. It's not unusual for a second litter to appear in midsummer. To minimize their access to your attic, cut down tree limbs that are close to the roofline.

While trapping a squirrel in a cage can be a painful and time-consuming process, it is a safe and humane way to get rid of them. You can place a one-way door outside the entrance point and trap it once it exits. But be sure to use a trap that will move the squirrels at least five miles away from your home.

Using body-gripping traps

Using body-gripping traps to remove squirrels in your attic is a humane way to remove the problem. Squirrels are great observers and will soon learn to avoid human beings and their new devices. Place traps in attic runways or near burrows. Box traps are another effective solution. Box traps can be placed inside the attic, while body-gripping traps should be used outside of entry points.

After placing traps, you should remove dead squirrels and larger chunks of feces. This will prevent the squirrels from developing a roundworm infection. After removing the dead squirrels, fog the entire attic with an antimicrobial product to kill the parasites. Wear a body mask, eye protection, and breathing protection when performing the removal process.

Once the traps are in place, make sure to remove the animals from the attic and dispose of them in a safe, secure location. If the squirrels are still in the attic, you can use one-way cage doors to catch them when they leave the attic. If the traps work, you may have to relocate them to a new home more than five miles away. Body-gripping traps are not legal in some states, so always check with local codes and laws before using a trap on a squirrel.

The next step is to find out the source of the problem. Often, it is a hole in your roof that is providing access to your attic. If you have trees hanging over your roof, cutting them back can be a very easy way to get rid of squirrels in your attic. You can always contact the professionals at Idaho Tree Preservation to assist with all of your tree-trimming needs. As for the roof, you want to contact Intermountain Roofing Company as soon as you can, to take care of any holes or openings allowing access to your attic.

Using live traps

Using live traps to get rid of the squirrels in your attic is one of the most effective ways to remove them. These traps are available online or at a home improvement store and come in a variety of styles. The cage, one-way, or repeater traps are the most common trap types. Choose whichever one best suits your needs and your budget.

Using liquid or granular repellent on the area around the attic is another effective method. You can also plant daffodils in the area, as they are natural deterrents. Cutting back tree branches that hang over the roof is another great way to make it harder for squirrels to climb up. Using live traps is more effective than using poison.

Squirrels can enter homes from a variety of places, including walls, attics, and kitchens. These creatures can be a nuisance for a variety of reasons, including carrying ticks and fleas, which can be dangerous for humans. They can also wreak havoc on the attic and ruin bird feeders. Regardless of the cause of their presence, it's important to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.

Squirrels are notorious for leaving behind telltale signs. Squirrels are active during the day, but they tend to create more noise at night. In addition, they often leave droppings, which are a definite indicator that they've been living in your attic. This is a sign of a serious infestation. If you're not sure which animal is causing the mess, try using live traps to get rid of the squirrels in your attic.

Sound deterrents

If you're fed up with squirrels in your attic, you may want to use sound deterrents. This might include using strobe lights or keeping a radio on in the attic. While these techniques may not completely keep the squirrels away, they are effective in preventing them from entering the attic in the first place. These sounds are not loud enough to deter humans, but they're loud enough to make the rodents stay away.

One way to make squirrels avoid your attic is to create noise. Sound deterrents can be as simple as banging on pots and pans together, or as complex as playing loud music in the attic. You can also leave a flashlight on and bang on the ceiling of your attic. Those who are particularly sensitive to noise can play loud music or bang pots together.

Squirrels are known for gnawing on a variety of materials, from shingles and pipes to bricks. They also gnaw on electrical wires and vents. Once they are in your attic, they'll probably begin to explore the attic. They'll also start storing food, so they'll want somewhere to make their nest.

One of the most effective sound deterrents to get rid of squirrels in your attic is a ringing scream that can be heard from a distance. It sounds like a warning, but it's a surefire way to get rid of squirrels in your attic. If you're not sure whether you're dealing with a squirrel infestation, contact a professional pest control company.

Remember, the squirrels are getting into your attic because your roof isn't up to par. In order to patch, replace, or repair your roof, you're going to need to get in touch with the experts. Gratefully, your homeowner's insurance should take care of the bulk of the cost for the repair. Don't delay, if you have pests in your attic, call Intermountain Roofing Company today at (208) 713-5871 and get the process started, so that you never have to deal with critters in your attic again.